My Journey
I am Kam Wilkinson and have been involved with NeuroPhysics Therapy since 2014. I have been applying the NeuroPhysics Therapy principles and programs into my everyday life and am practising as a NeuroPhysics TherapyPractitioner in Perth and Queensland. My goal is to make NeuroPhysics Therapy accessible for all people and to create awarenss that you do not need to have a complex injury to benfeit.
Competing as an elite athlete in Rugby League for 7 years taught me to dig deep, back myself and to work hard in a team environment to achieve a result. Then working in team environments such as the Watch House and Underground Coal Mines I have learnt key skills in teamwork, care, respect, ensuring everyone is safe and looking out for each other.
During my professional sporting years, I endured many injuries, that left me emotionally devastated and what felt like riding an emotional rollercoaster, up and down. I perceived I was doing the right thing and had tried many training regimes, supplements, eating styles and treatments, These all left me further asking questions and searching for the right way to take control of my system, physically and emotionally. Each had minor benefits and all were linear focused i.e if I train this way, I will get that result. I questioned this approach for a long time and asked 'surely we are much more complex than this?'. Finally, I found NeuroPhysics Therapy in 2014 which changed my life for good!
NeuroPhysics Therapy has taught me how to control my arousal, perform under high levels of stress, and correct any physical or emotional error. Personally, I have never felt better and more in control, so I want everyone to know and learn about this process and that they ultimately can detect, correct and fix any issue that they are dealing with.
It is very satisfying and humbling and I feel very proud to have these amazing NeuroPhysics skills which I use each day to guide and assist people using their bodies own self-healing mechanism to regain physical and emotional health. I look forward to assisting you through the various stages of your NeuroPhysics journey, where I can utilise these essential skills to upgrade and enhance your team and organisation.
Latest Podcast
The Power of Neurophysics | Kam Wilkinson & Lachlan Stuart
Welcome to our podcast where we sit down with a true inspiration, a country boy from Longreach who has overcome adversity, injury, and personal struggles to become a leading practitioner in NeuroPhysics Therapy.
Our guest today is a former professional rugby league player who has turned his passion for helping others into a successful career and has dedicated his life to improving the lives of those who have been told there is no hope for recovery.
Conference Presentations:
NeuroPhysics Therapy Research Presented at Scientific Conferences
Wilkinson, Kam (2023) Title: Using a complex adaptive systems approach through neurophysics therapy affords effective treatment in patients with charcot-marie-tooth disorder. 8th Edition of International Conference on Neurology and Brain Disorders - Boston USA
Wilkinson, Kam (2022) Title: Case Study: Significant reversal of presenting symptoms, return of function, stability and walking through NeuroPhysics Therapy in the treatment of Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia. Presented Association for Clinical Neurology and Mental Health (ACNM) in association with MGM School of Physiotherapy, 26th & 27th February 2022 at MGM School of Physiotherapy, MGM Campus, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India.
Wilkinson, Kam (2019) Moderated + Presented Case Study: Outlining the Significant Restoration of Lost Function and Stability through Neurophysics Therapy for the Treatment of Acquired Brain Injury and Severe Vestibular Deficits. BioLeagues Annual Meeting on Neurology. Advancement and Clinical Research on Neurology, Melbourne 2019.
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